Finishing up
Safely returning to contact training
Post assessment
Does your patient fulfill the following?
Player readiness
New Zealand Rugby views it as very important that regardless of the results of your assessment that you are confident that the player is ready to return to contact training. If you are not then be cautious, we all view this matter as too important to take risks.
This clearance is to return to contact training. The player should be advised to not play and seek further medical advice if they develop problems with the full contact training.
Things you might consider as advice to the player:
- Recommending more rest
- A slower progression through the GRTP programme
- A review by you at some stage in the future to review the medical clearance decision
- Referral to concussion clinic for further assessment
- Referral to medical colleague with expertise in this area
Further reading
Rest and Graduated Return to Play - a short summary of the NZR Rest, Recovery, Return to play process.